On Wednesday 2022/09/21, the Ninth Online Working Meeting of the partners of the University-industry educational Centre in advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI) project No. 612462-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPKA2-KA was organized. This meeting was organized as a continuation of the Third Working Meeting, which took place online as the Eight Online Working Meeting on Friday 2022/06/24.

During the meeting:
- the remaining tasks for successful implementation of the project were specified and partners were asked to send final versions of their annual reports for year 2021 (WP 2);
- a release candidate version of the CeBMI portal with new ways of registration and possibility of adding public comments to materials was presented (WP 3);
- topics of guest lectures for the rest of year 2022 were presented (WP 4);
- another round of self-evaluation of the CeBMI project organized in October 2022 was announced (WP 5);
- the current state of review process of the developed teaching materials for the CeBMI portal was discussed (WP 6);
- information about the organization of a hybrid International Workshop on Reliability Engineering and Computational Intelligence in November 2022 with special section on Reliability Engineering and Computational Intelligence application in healthcare was presented (WP 7).