On Friday 2020/12/10, the Third Online Working Meeting of the partners of the University-industry educational Centre in advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI) project No. 612462-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPKA2-KA was organized. This meeting was a continuation of the Second Online Working Meeting from Wednesday 2020/06/17.

During the meeting:
- template for annual reports was specified (WP 2);
- current managerial and financial questions were discussed (WP 2);
- recommended templates of teaching materials developed within teaching modules were proposed (WP 3);
- an alpha version of the CeBMI portal was presented and continuous testing of its functionalities by all partners was started (WP 3);
- titles of the teaching modules that will be available in the CeBMI portal were slightly modified (WP 3);
- types of the teaching materials that will be available in the CeBMI portal were defined (WP 3);
- discussion about pilot classes on BMI for master students of Faculty of Management Science and Informatics was conducted (WP 4);
- the organization of online guest lectures started (WP 4);
- the first version of the quantitative and qualitative quality indexes was discussed (WP 5);
- the results of the first self-evaluation of the CeBMI project were presented and discussed (WP 6);
- dissemination of the project using various social networks started (WP 7).

Updated list of teaching modules that are under development together with the leading organization:
- AI to Support Decision Making (Leeds Beckett University, UK);
- Data Mining (University Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy);
- Educational Software in Virtual Reality (Bioanim, Slovenia);
- Health Information Systems, eHealth and Telemedicine (University of Oulu, Finland);
- Image and Signal Processing (Peter L. Reichertz Institute of Medical Informatics, Germany);
- Medical Background, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (University of Valencia, Spain);
- Medical Simulation (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain);
- Reliability, Safety and Security (University of Zilina, Slovakia).

Types of teaching materials that will be available in the CeBMI portal will depend on a specific teaching module and will include:
- lecture: presentation;
- lecture: comments;
- lecture: list of questions;
- lecture: video;
- practical class: list of tasks;
- practical class: comments to tasks;
- practical class: video tutorial.