On Friday 2021/10/29, the Sixth Online Working Meeting of the partners of the University-industry educational Centre in advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI) project No. 612462-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPKA2-KA was organized. This meeting was a continuation of the Fifth Online Working Meeting from Friday 2021/04/06.

During the meeting:
- changes in the budget of the project were discussed (WP 2);
- progress in the development of teaching materials for the CeBMI portal was presented by each partner (WP 3);
- the current state of study programs on BMI at partners’ institution was presented and discussed (WP 4)
- online guest lectures from the first half of year 2021 were summarized (WP 4);
- possibilities to establish long-term cooperation between institutions involved in the project were discussed and possibilities to start such cooperation with institutions not involved in the project were discussed (WP 7).

Currently, the most important outputs of the CeBMI project are:
- new master’s study program on biomedical informatics offered by Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of University of Zilina (Slovakia) – this is the first study program of this type in Slovakia;
- new master’s study program in Epidemiology and Biomedical Data Science offered by University of Oulu (Finland) – this study program reflects the need for epidemiologists to cope with current and possible future epidemics or pandemics.