March 10th, 2020
On Tuesday 2020/03/10, the First Online Working Meeting of the partners of the University-industry educational Centre in advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI) project No. 612462-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPKA2-KA was organized. The aim of the project which involves 13 institutions from 8 European countries is to support the educational process in Slovakia and abroad and to develop subjects and courses aimed at current progress in the field of biomedical and medical informatics (BMI). As part of the project, an online Centre of BMI (CeBMI) will be created. The CeBMI is intended to support the creation and provision of interdisciplinary courses at BMI and to provide a supportive environment for the cooperation of technical and medical universities, as well as companies dealing with BMI.
Originally, a face-to-face kick-off meeting was planned for Tuesday 2020/03/10 and Wednesday 2020/03/11, but the current situation regarding the coronavirus COVID-19 and the following preventive measures against it made it impossible to organize a face-to-face meeting. The purpose of the online meeting was to introduce partners and plan actions for the following weeks.
During the meeting:
- The current state of curricula, technical and methodical support of biomedical and medical informatics at each of 13 participating institutions was discussed (WP 1);
- first demands to Centre BMI and the CeBMI portal were discussed (WP 1);
- the logo of the project was selected (WP 1);
- the organization of project management was discussed and project management team, which will help the coordinator to manage the project, was established (WP 2);
- first versions of structure and methodical content of Centre BMI were proposed (WP 3);
- the first version of the project webpage was introduced (WP 7).
Official logo of the project with its variations: