On February 18th, 2021, an online open day was organized at Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of University of Zilina. During this event departments of the faculty presented their activities to prospective students. Department of Informatics was represented by Jozef Kostolny, who belongs to the CeBMI team. His presentation was was attended by more than 50 potential students from the whole Slovakia using Microsoft Teams platform during four timeslots. Information about the online open day was published at the webpage of the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at url: https://www.fri.uniza.sk/aktuality/pozvanka-na-online-den-otvorenych-dveri-online-friday-2021

The presentation of J. Kostolny was split into two parts. In the first part, he presented courses provided by the department and the new study program on biomedical informatics opened at the faculty and supported by the CeBMI project. J. Kostolny brought closer the uniqueness of this study program in terms of combination of informatics, medicine, and biomedicine and explain the need for experts in this area. The participants gave knowledge about courses taught within this study program and about their support by the CeBMI project, which aims to bring the state of the art in medical and biomedical informatics to students of University of Zilina.

In the second part of the presentation, J. Kostolny had a short lecture on basics of software testing. He illustrated importance of this phase in development of a software by real-world examples where errors in software resulted in large financial losses or in death or serious injuries of several people (e.g., Therac-25 radiation therapy machine). After that he tried to make participants familiar with basic approaches of software testing and presented some of the existing solutions for creation of complex test scenarios. We hope that his presentation will motivate some of the participants to study informatics and its applications in medicine and biomedicine.