In February 2020, M. Kvassay from Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of University of Zilina prepared a brief information about Erasmus+ project University-Industry Educational Centre in Advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI) for Spravodajca Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline, which is a journal issued by University of Zilina. The journal article was prepared in Slovak and contains information about approval of the project, its main aims and partners participated in the project. The paper also emphasizes that the project should support further development of new study program on biomedical informatics opened at Faculty of Management Science and Informatics. This will be done by involvement of well-recognized experts in areas of medical and biomedical informatics, who are also part of the project team, into preparation of teaching materials for this study program.

The article was issued as follows:
- M. Kvassay, „CeBMI – nový Erasmus+ projekt na FRI,“ Spravodajca Žilinskej univerzity v Žiline, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 22, Jan. – Feb. 2020 (Slovak). [pdf]