Biomedical and medical informatics belongs to the rapidly growing interdisciplinary field which aims at implementation of digital technologies in all aspects of healthcare. Due to rapid development and integration of information and communication technologies into all areas of human life, it is expected that demands for experts in this area will grow in the coming years. This fact has also been reflected by a consortium of nine universities and four industrial partners from nine countries of European Union. The consortium prepared a common project within the Knowledge Alliances of Erasmus+ K2 programme aiming at creation of a university-industry Centre of Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI). The main goal of the centre is to support the educational process in areas of biomedical and medical informatics and to develop courses addressing current progress in these areas. The centre will be realized as an online portal covering current challenges in biomedical and medical informatics and containing teaching materials for courses related to biomedical and medical informatics. The portal will be available for free to students of partner universities as well as other universities and practitioners interested in these areas.

During first two months of year 2020, basic information about the project was posted by partners involved in the consortium at their webpages. Links to the post can be found below.
University of Zilina (Slovakia)
- E. Zaitseva, „Nový Erasmus+ projekt na Katedre informatiky,“ url: (Slovak).
- E. Zaitseva, „New Erasmus+ project at Department of Informatics,“ url: (English).
- M. Kvassay, „Nový schválený projekt na FRI UNIZA – University-Industry Educational Centre in Advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI),“ url: (Slovak).
- M. Kvassay, „Our Faculty Will Coordinate New Erasmus+ Project – University-Industry Educational Centre in Advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI),“ url: (English).
Peter L. Reichertz Institute of Medical Informatics of Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany)
- J. M. Warnecke, „ERASMUS+ University-industry educational Centre in advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI),“ url: (German).
- J. M. Warnecke, „ERASMUS+ University-industry educational Centre in advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI),“ url: (English).
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)
- L. Pastor, „University-Industry Educational Centre in Advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI),“ url: (English).
University of Oulu (Finland)
- T. Jämsä, „Oulun yliopisto mukaan eurooppalaiseen koulutusverkostoon,“ url: (Finish).
- T. Jämsä, „University of Oulu is part of CeBMI Erasmus+ network,“ url: (English).
Universitat de Valencia (Spain)
- R. Faubel, „La Universitat de València participa en projecte europeu CeBMI (Erasmus+ K2),“ url: (Spanish).
TELESIG Ltd (Bulgaria)
- O. Thanou, „University-Industry Educational Centre in Advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CeBMI),“ url: (English).
Stapro Slovensko, s.r.o. (Slovakia)
- Petrik, „STAPRO SLOVENSKO s.r.o. je súčasťou projektu Erasmus+,“ url: (Slovak/English).
Dr. Guido Kaufmann e.K. (Germany)
- G. Kaufmann, Facebook post, url: (English).
Amnim d.o.o. (Slovenia)
- T. Amon, „CeBMI,“ url: (English).
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Medicine (Czechia)
- V. Krčmářová, „University-Industry Educational Centre in Advanced Biomedical and Medical Informatics (CEBMI),“ url: (Czech).