In September 21st -23rd, 2020, the international conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics (DiVAI) was held in Sturovo, Slovakia. The conference focuses on a whole range of topics related to distance learning as well as traditional learning. The main focus is on information technologies supporting learning, teaching methodologies, assessment and learning environments and intelligent computing. The program of the conference can be found at url:

The DiVAI conference is a traditional event, and it was organized for the 13th time this year. However, due to the coronavirus, the conference was prepared as a hybrid meeting. Some participants were present physically in Sturovo, but most of them connected online using telepresence system. M. Kvassay from Faculty of Management Science and Informatics of University of Zilina participated physically and made a contribution on Development of University-Industry Centre of Biomedical and Medical Informatics. He spoke about the need of experts in biomedical and medical informatics in the upcoming years and presented the main aims of the CeBMI project. He also presented the key elements of a new study program on biomedical and medical informatics developed at the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics. Participants of the conference appreciated a fact that such study program was opened at a Slovak university and that its further development is supported by the Erasmus+ CeBMI project.

The contribution of M. Kvassay is a part of the conference proceedings issued by the Wolters Kluwer publishing:
- M. Kvassay, N. Klimova, E. Zaitseva, D. Macekova, „Development of University-Industry Centre of Biomedical and Medical Informatics,“ in DIVAI 2020 – The 13th international scientific conference on Distance Learning in Applied Informatics, 2020, pp. 385 – 394 (English). [pdf]